Saturday, June 09, 2007

Weekly Wrapup and Weekend Video

This week has seen a multitude of headline-making events out of Russia and out of the G8 summit. It is still too early though to talk objectively about Russia's proposal to cooperate with the US ABM system in Azerbaijan. Many contradicting opinions from credible experts in the West and in Russia have come out that do not really give a clear answer to the motivations and the viability of the plan. Perhaps next week will be a little less muddy. As for this week's review:

1) Disney's Successes in Russia and the Venture Capital Boom : How the US entertainment giant has found another great new market and how Russia's attempts to fuel a VC boom are working out.

2) Vladimir Putin's press-conference making headlines : "After Mahatma Gandhi dies, there is just no one left to talk to"

3) Russia-US relations: more room to maneuver than it seems : With the Russian president making it clear that his influence on Russian policy-making will remain strong after 2008, how badly can the West risk breaking relations with Russia?

4) Norilsk Nickel is left as winner in bid for LionOre : Russia's biggest corporate foreign acquisition looks to be steps from completion

5) Putin gives up salary for Jewish museum - Stavropol riots against the Chechens : ethnic problems in Russia

6) Vladimir and George talk about the missile shield : the "phony" Cold War draws to a close : What does the Putin's proposal mean : preliminary analysis

7) Putin gives harsh opinion on Kosovo : "No one can show us a single difference!" - Russia threatens to use the precedent on the post-Soviet territory

The honor for the weekend video today goes to the great Nautilus Pompilius, and their "Progulki po vode" (Strolls on the water), another very old classic.

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